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Cultural Craving and Future Success

By: Andrés Waren

Topic: Understanding how your cultural background and the importance of diversity and inclusion can lead to future success, interests and self-discovery. 

Cultural Background:

I am a 22-year-old Hispanic male, born in Cali, Colombia and adopted 6 months later into an incredible family in Bath, NY. Growing up in a predominantly white town, I've struggled with cultural identity issues and being seemingly “different” from others around me. Coming to college, I was blessed to meet and form relationships with people of different backgrounds, sexualities and finally my own ethnicity. 

When describing my cultural background to others, I am constantly using the same phrases in English and Spanish. It seems that from describing myself to others, I have found a deeper value and understanding of myself, and a craving to know my own culture and background. 

Taking these values into my schoolwork and everyday life of craving a more diverse workplace, it inspires me to see a person of my skin color succeeding in my own future career aspiration, white-collar jobs, and especially in the government. I also have a major urge to travel and experience what the world and others have to offer. 

5 Reasons for Diversity and Inclusion:

  1. If the career field is more diverse than the content we put out will follow, allowing our messages to be more relatable and honest  
  2. Not every client will be the same, so you need to be able to adjust and adapt to different individual’s needs, leading to great skill advantages
  3. You won’t know about another culture or religion until you meet someone of that background to teach you, or have the opportunity to immerse yourself in that group to learn about it yourself
  4.  Learning about other’s perspectives can help appeal to a wider audience
  5. Striving to be mindful of others allows you to connect on a more personal level to a wide variety of people

Cultural Immersion Experiences:

Summit Scholarship Winners

The Plank Center for Leadership in Public Relations

2018 Summit Scholarship Recipient:

The Plank Summit on Diversity and Inclusion in PR focuses on “Showcasing cutting-edge research, highlight organizations who are moving the D&I needle, and feature individuals who have overcome D&I challenges. Public relations and communication professionals, educators and students will gain actionable insights to implement within their own organizations.”  

Attending the Summit and Gala in downtown Chicago was a cultivating experience. The five scholarship recipients presented, networked and learned from real PR professionals from major companies like Delta Airlines, HBO Latino and several others. These events left me passionate to educate others, succeed in my own career, and not let our stereotypes speak for us in the industry or our lives. 

Camel Riding in Morocco, Africa

Study Abroad: Seville, Spain 

Living in a foreign country for 6 months, attending school, making new friends, and learning a foreign language seems like it would be daunting and uncertain. After a bit of strife, becoming fluent in Spanish, and immersing myself in this new culture, I realized the importance and excitement in life from experiencing uncertainty and the “new.” 

Surrounded daily in classrooms filled with students from around the world, learning about other traditions, markets, communications, economies, and culture became part of our lessons. This has only added to my craving to experience more and take that acquired knowledge to teach others how differently and greatly life can be lived.
